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Alpine Echinacea-Valverbe-30g-20Filtri


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2 reviews for Alpine Echinacea-Valverbe-30g-20Filtri

  1. valverbe

    5 stelle a questa tisana buona efficace e funzionale sia durante l’influenza sia come preventiva per tutto l’inverno.

  2. Luigi

    Tisana eccezionale fantastica veramente efficace nei malanni stagionali una vera e propria tisana nel vero senzo della parola senza aggiunta di aromi ne zucchero
    Un vero plauso a questa azienda

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Alpine Echinacea have Positive Effect on the Immune System.

Echinacea is best known for its beneficial effects on the immune system.

Numerous studies have found that this plant may help your immune system combat infections and viruses, which could help you recover faster from illness.



Herbal infusion based on plants, in particular with Echinacea, which promotes the body’s natural defences, Mint, which supports the functions of the respiratory tract, and Pine, which has a pleasant balsamic effect.

Herbal infusion • Ingredients: Echinacea plant & root*, Pine leaves*, Rosehips*, Hibiscus flowers*, Thyme leaves* Peppermint leaves*, Genepy plant*.

Tisane • Ingrédients: Rhizome et sommités de Echinacea 25%*, feuilles de Pin*, Cynorrhodons*, fleurs d’Hibiscus*, feuilles de Thym*, feuilles de Menthe poivrée*, sommités fleuries de Genepy*.

Kräutertee Mischung • Zutaten: Echina- ceaspitzen und -wurzeln 25%*, Kiefernadeln*, Hagebutten*, Hibiskusblüten*, Thymianblätter*, Pfefferminzblätter*, Ährige Edelraute (Blütenspitzen).